Cities of middle earth
Cities of middle earth

cities of middle earth

This was also likely the muster-point for the West-mark. And while Tolkien doesn’t really expand on this, since the castle had a permanent lord (Erkenbrand), I’d assume that it was regularly inhabited, even when not being used as refuge. The Hornburg is the castle within Helm’s Deep. It was also the muster-point for the East-mark.

cities of middle earth

Aldburg was Rohan’s original capital, and is (like Edoras), a walled-in city. Edoras is Rohan’s capital and most likely it’s largest town. Rohan only has four named settlements: Edoras, Aldburg, Hornburg, Underharrow, and Upbourn. I say some because I’m convinced that there must be more towns that simply don’t show up in Tolkien’s writings or maps - especially when it comes to Rohan. Okay, so we know the names of some town and cities in Rohan and Gondor.

Cities of middle earth